Saturday, July 21, 2012

Horse riding & Golf in Idaho

19th July 2012 - Horse Riding....Yee Haw!!!  Idaho or Bust!

Crossing State Line from Montana to Idaho - destination: Eagle Ridge Ranch.

Love them horses..I was in equine heaven, surrounded by horses and all of them wanting to be patted!

Tom trying his hand at lassooing a wooden cow with great success. First to acheive it.

Getting ready to mount - we had a quite a crowd as the Boy Scouts were there as well.
Me and my horse, Blue Duck getting ready for the ride.
She was a beautiful placid thing.

Like its rider, Bluey was covered in freckles...hmmm, I wonder if that was a fluke.
Tom on his horse Ross - Tom said he had saddle burn after the ride, ha!ha! I said he could possibly be addressing the golf ball differently the next day.

The horse corral at Eagle Ridge Ranch with probably around 30 horses.

The cost for the 2 hour ride was $50 per person. The ride is suitable for beginners as it is very sedate. The trail was rather uninteresting - the horses were all on autopilot. Bluey kept trying to crop the grass but a little tug from me kept her under control - we were told not to let them feed.

Me, happy as a pig in mud!
Our guide, Kayden - damn..I should have stood on the higher ground.
20th July 2012 - Island Park Golf Course, Idaho
Quite a nice 9 hole golf course - we played 18 holes. Check out the elevated driving range.
Beautiful sunset at Grizzly RV Park at around 9pm captured on Al's rear windows.

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