Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Alaska cruise day 3 Juneau

Again we have sailed all night to arrive in the port of Juneau Alaska, Today we disembarked and had a combo tour of the flower gardens and the Mendelhall Glacier which was very impressive.
So called upside down trees, these are trees which have been taken out of the ground and turned upside down and then the root system is used to house plants.

This road has been constructed through the rain forrest and climbs up about 600 feet with very tight twists and turns.

From the top we had a view of Juneau Airport and of interest is the parrallel floatplane parking and water runway, not sure but this may be the only place in the worlds with this.

The pictures do not do justice to the colour of the ice which is a brillient saphire blue.

The only bear we really seen on the tour happened to be this stuffed one. We did catch a glimpse of a bear in the forrest in Yosemite National Park but it was so far away a picture was not possible, 

These are stuffed birds with the older bird on the left and a youngster on the right.

We sailed up this fiorde right to the end of it to another beuitiful glacier. I was amazed at how the captain could manouver the ship.

A loan seal on a floating piece of ice.

This was as far up as we could go to see the glacier.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Alaska cruise day 2 Ketchikan

We sailed all day and night and woke to find that we had smoothly docked in Ketchikan, Alaska where we had booked a tour of the mistry fiourds and the following pictures are all that was worth showing. Ketchikan is a very small village and apparently has exceedingly high rainfall - not my ideal place to visit.

The only bear we have seen.

There was to much low cloud and mist to take any significant photos.